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Archiv pro štítek: project
Improvized filament holder <= Merkur construction set
I have built my first spool holder, from the stuff I found at home. It was Merkur kit, simple, and genial metal construction kit. Full of rods, wheels, and punctured sheets it was ideal. Celý příspěvek
3D tiskárna Rebel 2
No není to možné, ale evidentně jsem se ještě pořádně nerozepsal o mojí 3d tiskárně. Jedná se o klasickou kartézskou FDM tiskárnu českého návrhu, kterou jsem na doporučení kamaráda sestavil zhruba za 6500Kč (cena včetně 1 kg PLA). Chcete vědět kde koupit díly a jak to dopadlo? Čtěte dál..
The image processing algorithm visualiser (IPAV)
Recently I have created a Python openCV „frontend“ which allows a creation of computer vision algorithms by simply writing down their comma separated names. It creates a nice square widget chain where every „step“ algorithm has its own picture and info string. Interested? Keep reading!
Raspberry pi – setup www capable online WordPress webpage
How to do it? The example of my functional stream will on this page:
(Temporary unavailable as of my moving to new flat)
Now for the todo item list:
kivy 1.9.1 + win7 + Python 3.4.3 + freezing code = creating one „exe“ from your kivy project
How can I deploy my application to the „customer“ so he does not have to install anything else? There are some alternatives with comparison on this site. Here I will show you a way how to freeze your kivy project via pyInstaller under win7.
#and now it’s working !!
Some physics engine + GUI + Python 3.4 + win7 + OpenCV
- Panda3D
- GameDev engine
- it uses only Python 2.7.3 (22-10-2015)
- difficult creation
- 3D
- yes
- physics engine
- only very simple one included
- can be combined with
- Download
- Kivy is multiplatform gui engine
- win, mac, linux and even Android
- GPU accelerated
- Free MIT licence
- KivEnt
- KivEnt is a Game Engine designed for the Kivy Framework
- physics library:
- chipmunk
- pyGame
- Python 3
- PySide
- Open python Qt wrapper
- doesn’t support QT5.X (25-10-2015)
- PyQt
- Commercial license for proprietary use
GUI only:
Physical engines only
- cocos2d
- 2d only
- Bullet
- 3d
- awsome used in Pixar movies, Blender and NASA
- pymunk
- Python 2 & 3
- 2d only
- multiplatform
- pythonic – usefull with pygame, pyglet and others
- pyglet
- 2d
- only python 2.X
OpenCV 3.0.0 + Python 3.4 + Win7 + Numpy + Scipy + Mingw
Hi there, I have a simple dream. Making these work together:
- Windows 7 [64bit]
- OpenCV 3.0.0 [32bit] builded from source
- features2d
- ffmpeg
- Python 3.4.X [32bit]
- tkinter openCV window app
- .. maybe wxWidget
- .. maybe PyQt
- Numpy [32bit] (maybe as a start as it does not have a 64bit prebuilt)
This will be a working tutorial. I’m on it.
People from OpenCV have done a new tutorial here which is nice 🙂 [Last updated on Nov 10, 2015.]
Firstly I do some research…
gr4gallery = Gallery in Python 2.7.10 + OpenCV 3.0.0 + Tkinter GUI
Hi there fellows, a project emerged from the need of using OpenCV with GUI possibilities larger than trackbar. I am currently keen on Python, but I didn’t want to spend any time finding out how to make OpenCV + Python + Qt work, because the commercial licensing of Qt borthered me too much. Therefore I turned to the only other python GUI library I know so far the good ol‘ Tkinter.
Gargantulovsky gurmansky chléb
Znáte to když si takhle brouzdáte po netu a najednou uvidíte video s návodem na přípravu jídla, které prostě musíte mít? Mě se to stalo nedávno a zde vám ukážu můj výsledek.
Celý příspěvek