How to typeset latex? Should you use hash-number symbol or the originaly intended musical sharp symbol in superscript? Decide yourself:
You may read about it in various discussions and articles „around the web“. I scrapped some of them, so you can try to choose the most eye-candy one for you to use.
Just insert this text into your latex file:
What seems the best to you? \begin{enumerate} \item The C\nolinebreak\#\, is one of the languages in which you can do anything. \item The C\nolinebreak$^\#$\, is one of the languages in which you can do anything. \item The C\nolinebreak{\bf$^\#$}\, is one of the languages in which you can do anything. \item The C\nolinebreak$^\sharp$\, is one of the languages in which you can do anything. \item The C\nolinebreak\hspace{-0.05em}\raisebox{0.6ex}{\tiny\bf \#} is one of the languages in which you can do anything. \item The C\nolinebreak\hspace{-0.05em}\raisebox{0.6ex}{\small\bf \#} is one of the languages in which you can do anything. \item The C\nolinebreak\hspace{-0.05em}\raisebox{0.6ex}{\scriptsize\bf \#} is one of the languages in which you can do anything. \item The C\nolinebreak\hspace{-0.05em}\raisebox{0.6ex}{\footnotesize\bf \#} is one of the languages in which you can do anything. \item The C\nolinebreak\hspace{-0.05em}\raisebox{0.6ex}{\small\bf $\sharp$} is one of the languages in which you can do anything. \item The {\settoheight{\dimen0}{C}C\kern-.05em \resizebox{!}{\dimen0}{\raisebox{\depth}{\#}}} is one of the languages in which you can do anything. \item The {\settoheight{\dimen0}{C}C\kern-.05em \resizebox{!}{\dimen0}{\raisebox{\depth}{\bf \#}}} is one of the languages in which you can do anything. \item The C{\fontseries{b}\selectfont\#} is one of the languages in which you can do anything. \item The {\settoheight{\dimen0}{C}C\kern-.05em \resizebox{!}{\dimen0}{\raisebox{\depth}{$\sharp$}}}} is one of the languages in which you can do anything. \end{enumerate}
I have chosen the number 11, as it is bold enaught and it does not disrupt the flow of text, imho, as it is the same height as the C letter.
So my macro for csharp sign looks something like this:
Have a nice day LaTeXing!