Autohotkey je úžasný program, jenž vám pod Windows umožní téměř vše se vstupními periferiemy (myš klávesnice joystick joypad…). Vytvořit zkratky, naskriptovat stisky např. myši, přemapovat klávesy a mnoho dalšího.
Zde uvádím svůj config..
Aktuální verze mých ahk configů
je dostupná skrze google-drive:
- gr4viton_latest.ahk – hlavní dokument
- konvence – stále se mění ale přibližně platí:
- super + písmeno = otevřít složku
- super+alt + písmeno = otevřít program
- atd.
- používám capslock jako další modifikátor (jako např. shift či alt)
- defaultní funkčnost capslocku je přes caps+F1 = zap caps+F2 vypnuto.
- a caps + WSAD ale o jedno posunuty doprava takže ve skutečnosti caps+ESDF jsou kurzorové šipky. okolo těchto kláves jsou pod capslockem další editační klávesy, ESC backspace delete tab home end atd.
- je to teoreticky rychlejší, např při navigaci či editaci jednou rukou..
- hotstrings – vkládá za vás text po napsání zvolené kontrolní sekvence
- vložení data ve formátu „2014_01_18“ po stisknutí „op]“
- vložení emailu, telefonu …
- konvence – stále se mění ale přibližně platí:
- comboAll.ahk – navigace do zákldaních nastavení windows pomocí rolovacího boxu
- KDE_resizing.ahk – přesouvání a změna velikosti oken uchopením a táhnutím kdekoliv v těle okna
- IntelliSense.ahk – nápověda při doplňování slov v textu – moc nepoužívám
Semi-aktuální verzi mám na gitu zde :).
gr4viton_latest.ahk – verze 2014_01_18:
;/********* ;@project gr4viton AHK script ;@filename gr4viton_latest ;@author gr4viton ;@date since 2011 ;@brief This scirpt is the best script in the world.. for me! ;*********/ starMsg() ;ctrl ^ ;super # ;alt ! ;shift + ;$exp to let it send itselft without loop ;if you dont know name of some key you want to use as a hotkey, find out which scan code does it send (i.e. via Microsoft Keyboard Maker), and write the hotkey i.e #sc56::something SetCapsLockState, AlwaysOff ;;; to set the default script.. run the ah with parameters ;;; ah.exe->options-> [ah.exe "script.ahk"] ;#define obsah(x) ((3.14)*(x)*(x)) ;main { ; int r = 10; ; int S = obsah(r); ; int S = ((3.14)*(r)*(r)); ;} ;incl\ude dir_conf := "D:\BACKUP\app\control\autohotkey" ;dir_extras := "C:`\PROG`\control`\AutoHotkey`\Extras`\Scripts" ;dir_extras := "C:\PROG\control\AutoHotkey\Extras\Scripts" ;dir_extras = C:\PROG\control\AutoHotkey\Extras\Scripts ;dir_extras := "C:%\PROG%\control%\AutoHotkey%\Extras%\Scripts" aa := "asdasdas" ;conf = %dir_conf% + KDE_resizing.ahk ;#include %conf% ;MsgBox "aaa".aa."!!!" ;#include dir_extras."\KDE_resizing.ahk" ;#include %A_WorkingDir%KDE_resizing.ahk ;#include %ScriptFullPath% "KDE_resizing.ahk" ;#include C:\PROG\control\AutoHotkey\Extras\Scripts\KDE_resizing.ahk ;#include C:\PROG\control\AutoHotkey\Extras\Scripts\IntelliSense.ahk ;Run Explorer %A_ScriptDir% #include %A_ScriptDir% #include KDE_resizing.ahk ;#include gr4viton_capslock.ahk ;#include backspace_altup.ahk ;#include IntelliSense.ahk starMsg(){ MsgBox U have started gr4viton's AHK layout, the most usefull layout.. for me! %A_ScriptDir% return } ;#include comboAll.ahk ;+#!c::comboAll() +#!c::Run AutoHotkey.exe %A_ScriptDir%\comboAll.ahk ;#include D:\BACKUP\app\control\autohotkey\KDE_resizing.ahk ;#include D:\BACKUP\app\control\autohotkey\IntelliSense.ahk ;#include D:\BACKUP\app\control\autohotkey\GridMoveP1.ahk ;Web browser selection ;Hotstrings ;;names :*:op]:: ; This hotstring replaces "]d" with the current date and time via the commands below. FormatTime, CurrentDateTime,, yyyy_MM_dd SendInput %CurrentDateTime% return :*:po]:: FormatTime, CurrentDateTime,, yyyy-MM-dd i = 0 loop 10{ i := i+1 char := SubStr(CurrentDateTime, i, 1) SendInput %char%^{Enter} } return ;; Form strings :*:uu]::7723354782 :*:mo]::776753779 :*:lm]::lordmutty :*:lmm] :*:k]::danieldavidek :*:kk] :*:kkk]::xdavid10 ;; parsing functions ;____________________________________________________ ;change_slashes(str) ; changes the slashes of the string to {sc35} slashEm(str) { ;{sc35} return str } ; mapa dveře brno ; :*:mpmp::slashEm( :*:mpmp::http:{sc35}{sc35}{sc35}maps{sc35}9KgSX ;; Signal strings :*:oo[::[] ` :*:ooo[::[X] ` ^+z::Send [] ` ^+x::Send [X] ` ;; Formating strings :*:op[::%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% :*:opp[::____________________________________________________ :*:oop[:: ( >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>!!!<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ) :*:ppo[:: ( >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>???<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ) :*:opop[:: ( ><}}}}}*> ><((*> <*))>< ><((*> <*))>< ><((*> <*))>< ><((*> <*))>< <*}}}}}>< ) :*R0:pp[:: ( %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%> <%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%{left 23} ) :*R0:jj[:: ( {sc35}**************************************************************************** @function ` @brief ` @param[in] ` @param[out] ` @return ` ************{sc35} ) return CurrentDateTime = FormatTime, CurrentDateTime,, yyyy_MM_dd return a := 10 :*R0:jjk[:: ( {sc35}********* @project ` @filename ` @author ` @date `{%a%} @brief ` *********{sc35} ) return ;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ;matlab :*:po[::',num2str(),' :*:pop[:: ( SI=SI+1; subplot2(SY,SX,SI); imshow(im,[]); title(title_str); axis tight ) ;c# :*:opp[::%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%{Enter}{#}region{Enter}%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%{Enter}{#}endregion{Enter}%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% :*:llll:: ( !alt;#super;^ctrl;+shift ) :*:kkkk:: ( :%s###gc ) ;;heslo ;:*:svn@::h7EJcyY ;#z::Run ;;legend for standard modifiers couples ;Autohotkey = !+^ ;files & web-pages = #!, #!+ ;RC files = #+^! ;APPS = #! ;man = #!^ ;Directories = # ;Autohotkey = !+^ ;;reload !+^x::Reload !+^sc56::Run E:\GDRIVE\control\ahk\gr4viton_latest.ahk !+^c::Run E:\PROG\control\AutoHotkey\AutoScriptWriter\AutoScriptWriter.exe ; ahk reload - old ;!+^r::Reload ;?? ;sc - [] jak zistit? Abych mohl psat ř velky ;!+^e::Run C:\PROG\control\AutoHotkey\Extras\Scripts\gr4viton_latest.ahk ;!+^w::Run C:\PROG\control\AutoHotkey\AutoScriptWriter\AutoScriptWriter.exe ;D:\BACKUP\app\control\autohotkey\gr4viton_latest.ahk ;Run ::{20d04fe0-3aea-1069-a2d8-08002b30309d} ; Opens the "My Computer" folder. ;Run ::{645ff040-5081-101b-9f08-00aa002f954e} ; Opens the Recycle Bin. ;MIND = #+^ ;theBrain & webbrain #+^q::Run "" ;#!+^sc56::Run E:\GDRIVE\mind\log\thisMonth.txt ;#sc56::Run E:\GDRIVE\mind\log\thisMonth.txt +#sc56:: Run, E:PROG\dev\googlecl\google.exe docs edit "g_thisMonth" ;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% #sc56:: ;run_thisMonth() ;run_inbox() run_file("fromStart.vim","Vim","E:\GDRIVE\mind\log\fromStart.vim") a := run_file("thisMonth.vim","Vim","E:\GDRIVE\mind\log\thisMonth.vim") run_file("inbox.vim","Vim","E:\GDRIVE\mind\log\inbox.vim") ;if( %a% == 1 ) ;{ ; activate the created - not functional.. ; run_file("inbox.vim","Vim","E:\GDRIVE\mind\log\inbox.vim") ;} return run_file(title,ahkClass,path){ IfWinExist, ahk_class %ahkClass% { IfWinExist, %title% { WinActivate return 0 } } Run, %path% return 1 } ;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ;^sc56:: ;Run, cmd.exe ;IfExist, Administrator ;WinActivate, Administrator ;Send, E:PROG\dev\googlecl\google.exe %clipboard% {Enter} ;Sleep, 5000 ;WinClose, Administrator ;return ;evernote - old ;; criticalendar ;#+^q::Run evernote:///view/4759899/s44/a5e5804f-84a6-40e4-871d-d3ea3523dd27/a5e5804f-84a6-40e4-871d-d3ea3523dd27/ ;; doing list !#+^w::Run evernote:///view/4759899/s44/1625f2ee-08e2-4d02-935a-4d5c155f2e28/1625f2ee-08e2-4d02-935a-4d5c155f2e28/ ;;actual month #+!q::Run evernote:///view/4759899/s44/5db33d2d-5ca1-483a-aee4-8ba8375bc342/5db33d2d-5ca1-483a-aee4-8ba8375bc342/ ; #+^a -add note ; #+^s - search note ; odorik !+#o:: Run Run Run return ;;;files & web-pages = #!, #!+ ;;educ - web ;rozvrh ;;#!r::Run C:\Program Files (x86)\Opera\opera.exe -newwindow "D:\EDUC\_INFO\rozvrh\m1\Student.mht" #!r::Run D:\EDUC\_INFO\rozvrh\m1\rozvrh_up2.png ;index #!e::Run C:\Program Files (x86)\Opera\opera.exe -newwindow "" ;terminy #!+r::Run C:\Program Files (x86)\Opera\opera.exe -newwindow "" ;elearning #!+e::Run C:\Program Files (x86)\Opera\opera.exe -newwindow "" ;git #+!g::Run "" ;;google - web ;kontakty #!,::Run C:\Program Files (x86)\Opera\opera.exe -newwindow "" ;calendar #!c::Run C:\Program Files (x86)\Opera\opera.exe -newwindow "" ;mapy #!m::Run C:\Program Files (x86)\Opera\opera.exe -newwindow "" ;translate #!z::Run C:\Program Files (x86)\Opera\opera.exe -newwindow "" ;drive +#!d::Run C:\Program Files (x86)\Opera\opera.exe -newwindow "" ;;RC files = #+^! ;bash CYGWIN #+^!b::Run Q:\PROG\office\vim\vim73\gvim.exe E:\PROG\dev\cygwin\home\graviton\.bashrc ;#+^!b::Run E:\PROG\dev\cygwin\home\graviton\.bashrc ;APPS = #! ;audio - video #!+a::Run C:\PROG\audio\MediaMonkey\MediaMonkey.exe #!a::Run E:\PROG\audio\foobar2000\foobar2000.exe ;#!o::Run C:\PROG\audio\Audacity\audacity.exe #!v::Run Q:\PROG\video\vlc\vlc.exe ;disc #!sc56::Run E:\PROG\disc\totalcmd\TOTALCMD.EXE ;net #!t::Run Q:\PROG\internet\Thunderbird\thunderbird.exe #!f::Run firefox.exe #!!::Run C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe #!j::Run C:\PROG\internet\JDownloader v2.0\JDownloader2.exe ;edit #!g::Run Q:\PROG\office\vim\vim73\gvim.exe #+c::Run Q:\PROG\office\vim\vim73\runvim.vbs ;gamesy #!h::Run D:\GAMESY\SMALL\golly-2.4-win\Golly.exe ;terminals #!p::Run E:\PROG\ele\PuTTY\putty.exe #!i::Run E:\PROG\ele\Terminal20130116\Terminal.exe ;;terminal & win apps ;googlecl !`::Run E:\PROG\dev\googlecl\google.exe ;cygwin - terminal; setup #`::Run E:\PROG\dev\cygwin64\bin\mintty.exe -i /Cygwin-Terminal.ico - ;#+`::Run E:\PROG\dev\cygwin64\cygwin.bat #+`::Run D:\DATA\dev\cygwin\setup ;windows - terminal; taskmanager +!`::Run cmd #!`::Run taskmgr ;#!;::Run taskmgr !E!3 ; text for teh windows +#v::Run C:\PROG\control\AutoHotkey\Extras\Scripts\tftw.exe ;;not so widely used #!d::Run D:\DATA\office\Lingea%A_Space%2002\lexicon.exe #!s::Run C:\PROG\internet\Esmska\esmska.exe #!u::Run D:\ELE\circuit\circuit.jar ;#!x::Run C:\PROG\life\XMind\xmind.exe #!y::Run C:\PROG\ele\ResistorColorCoder\Res_Color_Code.exe #!k::Run C:\PROG\educ\Calcute\Calcute.exe ;#!k::Run calc.exe ;;bench #!Insert::Run D:\DATA\bench\hw64_393\HWiNFO64.exe #!Break::Run E:\PROG\bench\CPU-Z\cpuz.exe #!b::Run E:\PROG\mind\TheBrain\TheBrain.exe ;#!+^sc56::Run C:\Program Files (x86)\Opera\opera.exe -newwindow "" ;full_path = D:\ELE\circuit\circuit.jar ;Run, cmd /K cd /D "%full_path%" ;Run, cmd java %full_path% ;Return ; files - to edit ;#!b::Run D:\EDUC\bak_bakalarka\texnic\bakalarka.tcp #+!b::Run D:\EDUC\bak_bakalarka\texnic\bakalarka.pdf ;;man = #!^ ; ;#!m::Run D:\EDUC\_INFO\mapy\t_12.jpg ;office #!^v::Run D:\READ\MAN\office\VIM\vim.txt #!^z::Run D:\READ\MAN\office\VIM\vi-vim-tutorial-1.gif ;vim-cheat-sheet.gif #!^l::Run D:\READ\MAN\office\LATEX\howto\latexsheet-a4.pdf #!^k::Run D:\READ\MAN\office\LATEX\howto\lshort2e.pdf ;#!^g::Run D:\READ\git_cmds.txt #!^j::Run D:\READ\MAN\office\LATEX\OLD\TUT\bkez.tex ;#!j::Run D:\EDUC\_MAN\LATEX\math\siunitx.pdf #!^s::Run D:\READ\ele\KnihyElektro\THIS_Power Supply Cookbook.pdf ;Directories = # #2::Run Explorer D:\EDUC\m1\V_MPOV\proj_terrain_recognition #3::Run Explorer D:\EDUC\m1\R_MRTS\proj_robo_ruka #w::Run Explorer D:\EDUC\m1\ #+e::Run Explorer D:\CREATION\EVENTS\EVENT_LOGGER\2014 #q::Run Explorer D:\CREATION\WORK\CVVI\ ;#sc56::Run Explorer D:\CREATION\ELE\EAGLE ;#sc56::Run Explorer D:\EDUC\bak_bakalarka\ ;#b::Run Explorer D:\BACKUP\ #b::Run Explorer D:\EDUC\bak_bakalarka\ #z::Run Explorer D:\CREATION\ELE\DATASHEETS\ #a::Run Explorer D:\DATA\ #r::Run Explorer D:\READ #s::Run Explorer D:\SOUND\ #v::Run Explorer.exe D:\VIEW\ #f::Run Explorer D:\VIEW\SPATIAL\FILM\ #x::Run Explorer D:\DN\ #g::Run Explorer D:\GAMESY #c::Run Explorer D:\CREATION !#^+d::Run Explorer E:\GDRIVE #h::Run Explorer C:\users\gr4viton #o::Run Explorer C:\PROG\ #!o::Run, control Microsoft.ProgramsAndFeatures #!l::Run Explorer D:\EDUC\_MAN\LATEX\TUT path := "D:`\MIND\space" ;path := D:\MIND\space ;#q::Run Explorer -dir %path% ;#q::Run Explorer D:\MIND\space ;#q::Run %SystemRoot%\explorer.exe /E,::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D} ;mediamonkey ;^#\::WinResore 'MediaMonkey' ;Keymapping ;nefunguje alt na hp 620 od baryb ;;alt f4 ;~rctrl::lalt ;~#tab::!tab #F4::Send {ALTDOWN}{F4}{ALTUP} ;;altab ;#TAB::Send {ALTDOWN}{TAB}{ALTUP} ;#TAB:: ; Send {ALTDOWN}{TAB} ; KeyWait, {TAB} ; wait until the button is released ; Send, {ALTUP} ;Return ;;;;;;ZJISTI jak s tim tabenm asbys mohl altabovat = supertabovat ;;;;;;Vytískni BRR1 str 49č ;APPSKEY::Send {ALTUP} ;!p::Send {ALTUP} ;capslock to ctrl ;Capslock::Ctrl ;+Capslock::Capslock ;this is the key under esc ;sc29:: ; Send {Escape Down} ; KeyWait, Capslock ; wait until the Capslock button is released ; Gui, 93:Cancel ; Send, {Escape Up} ;Return #+D:: Send, {LWINDOWN}y{LWINUP}{Escape}{SHIFTDOWN}01{SHIFTUP} Return ;How can a prefix key be made to perform its native function rather than doing nothing? ;Consider the following example, which makes Numpad0 into a prefix key: ; Numpad0 & Numpad1::MsgBox, You pressed Numpad1 while holding down Numpad0. ;Now, to make Numpad0 send a real Numpad0 keystroke whenever it wasn't used to launch a hotkey such as the above, add the following hotkey: ; $Numpad0::Send, {Numpad0} ;The $ prefix is needed to prevent a warning dialog about an infinite loop (since the hotkey "sends itself"). In addition, the above action occurs at the time the key is released. #!n:: IfWinExist Untitled - Notepad WinActivate else Run Notepad return SetTitleMatchMode RegEx return ; Stuff to do when Windows Explorer is open ; #IfWinActive ahk_class ExploreWClass|CabinetWClass ; create new text file ; #t::Send !fwt ; open 'cmd' in the current directory ; #c:: OpenCmdInCurrent() return #IfWinActive ; Opens the command shell 'cmd' in the directory browsed in Explorer. ; Note: expecting to be run when the active window is Explorer. ; OpenCmdInCurrent() { ; This is required to get the full path of the file from the address bar WinGetText, full_path, A ; Split on newline (`n) StringSplit, word_array, full_path, `n ; Take the first element from the array full_path = %word_array1% ; strip to bare address full_path := RegExReplace(full_path, "^Address: ", "") ; Just in case - remove all carriage returns (`r) StringReplace, full_path, full_path, `r, , all IfInString full_path, \ { Run, cmd /K cd /D "%full_path%" } else { Run, cmd /K cd /D "C:\ " } } ; Note: From now on whenever you run AutoHotkey directly, this script ; will be loaded. So feel free to customize it to suit your needs. ; Please read the QUICK-START TUTORIAL near the top of the help file. ; It explains how to perform common automation tasks such as sending ; keystrokes and mouse clicks. It also explains more about hotkeys. ;dyz neni okno gvimu tak ;caps+h back caps+j enter ; caps+ALT+hjkl = arrows ;open flash key ;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ;; Windows fitting ;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% #!x:: Run, notepad.exe WinWait, Untitled - Notepad, , 3 if ErrorLevel { MsgBox, WinWait timed out. return } else WinMinimize ; Minimize the window found by WinWait. WinMove, 0, 0 return ;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ;; CAPSLOCKing -> this works without modifiers ;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Capslock & F1:: SetCapsLockState, AlwaysOff MsgBox SetCapsLockState, AlwaysOff return Capslock & F2:: SetCapsLockState, AlwaysOn MsgBox SetCapsLockState, AlwaysOn return ;vim ;hjkl Capslock & h::Send {Left} Capslock & j::Send {Down} Capslock & k::Send {Up} Capslock & l::Send {Right} ;emacs ;ctrl-ae jh=mn Capslock & n::Send {BS} Capslock & m::Send {Enter} ;Capslock & e::Send {END} ;Capslock & a::Send {HOME} ;mine ; vim-conf ^#!+g::Send {ESC}:set guifont=Consolas:h9{Enter} ;ESC Capslock & q::Send {ESC} ;^XCV Capslock & 2:: ;XShift(0) Send {Ctrl Down}{x}{Ctrl Up} return Capslock & 3:: ;XShift(0) Send {Ctrl Down}{c}{Ctrl Up} return Capslock & 4:: ;XShift(0) Send {Ctrl Down}{v}{Ctrl Up} return ;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ;; CAPSLOCKing -> XSHIFT -> not used anymore ;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ;Capslock & v:: ;XShift() ;return ;Capslock & y:: ;Shifted:=!Shifted ;If (shifted) ; Send,{Shift Down} ;else ; Send,{Shift UP} ;return ;Capslock & z:: ;Shifted:=!Shifted ;If (shifted) ; Send,{Shift Down} ;else ; Send,{Shift UP} ;return ;Alt & Capslock & e:: ;Send {Alt}{Up} ;MsgBox altup ;return ;Capslock & SPACE:: ;XShift(0) ;Send {Enter} ;return ;Capslock & w:: ;XShift(0) ;Send {BS} ;return ;Capslock & r:: ;XShift(0) ;Send {Delete} ;return ;;shift triggering function ;XShift(a=2){ ;global ;shchange:= (a==Shifted) ? 0:1 ;If (a == 2){ ;Shifted:=!Shifted ;shchange:=1 ;} ;else{ ;Shifted:= a ;} ;If(shchange) ;If (Shifted ) ;Send,{Shift Down} ;else ;Send,{Shift UP} ;} ;;*LCtrl::Send {Blind}{LCtrl} ;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ;; CAPSLOCKing -> this works WITH modifiers - but its blocking hotstrings on those keys ;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ;CapSend(KEY, KEY2) NO/, KEY3) ; Function to trigger different keys when pressed with shift, alowing other modifiers ( shift+arrows) ; caps + key = KEY ; key = KEY2 ; NO/ caps + key + alt = KEY3 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- CapSend(KEY, KEY2){ if GetKeyState("Capslock","P") { SetKeyDelay -1 Send {Blind}{%KEY% DownTemp} } ;if GetKeyState("Capslock","P") && GetKeyState("alt","P"){ ;SetKeyDelay -1 ;Send {Blind}{%KEY3% DownTemp} ;} ;; not functional on super-arrow moving windows ;else if GetKeyState("Super","P") && GetKeyState("Capslock","P") ; Send #%KEY2% else Send {Blind}{%KEY2% DownTemp} return } ;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ; first row *s::CapSend("Left", "s") *d::CapSend("Down", "d") *e::CapSend("Up", "e") *f::CapSend("Right", "f") ; second row *t::CapSend("Tab", "t") *space::CapSend("Enter", "space") *w::CapSend("Backspace", "w") *r::CapSend("Delete", "r") ; third row *g::CapSend("END", "g") *a::CapSend("HOME", "a") *sc56::CapSend("PgUp", "sc56") *z::CapSend("PgDn", "z") ; fourth row *x::CapSend("^Left", "x") *c::CapSend("^Right", "c") ;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ; CAPSLOCKing -> this works WITH modifiers ;does not allow easy multiple modificators with capslocked alternative keys ;but maybe would not interfere with hot strings -> to try? why bother?? ;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ;;sendshift function ;sendshift(key) ;{ ;send +%key% ;send % getkeystate("shift","p") ? +%key%: %key% ;if getkeystate("shift","p") ;send +%key% ;else ;send %key% ;send "%key%" ;send "{".%key%."}" ;} ;;sendmodified function ;sendmod(key) ;{ ;if getkeystate("ctrl","p") && getkeystate("shift","p") && getkeystate("alt","p") ;send !^+%key% ;if getkeystate("ctrl","p") && getkeystate("shift","p") ;send ^+%key% ;else if getkeystate("shift","p") ;send +%key% ;else if getkeystate("control","p") ;send ^%key% ;else if getkeystate("alt","p") ;send !%key% ;else if getkeystate("super","p") ;send #%key% ;else ;send %key% ;send "%key%" ;send "{".%key%."}" ;} ;; first row: ;capslock & s::sendmod("{left}") ;capslock & d::sendmod("{down}") ;capslock & e::sendmod("{up}") ;capslock & f::sendmod("{right}") ;; second row ;;capslock & t::send {tab} ;; third row ;;capslock & g::sendmod("{end}") ;;capslock & a::sendmod("{home}") ;;capslock & x::sendmod("{pgdn}") ;;capslock & c::sendmod("{pgup}") ;; fourth row ;;capslock & x::sendmod("^{left}") ;;capslock & c::sendmod("^{right}") ;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ; mouse buttons -> now covered in "KDE Intell move" ;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ;XButton1:: ;Send {win down}{LButton down} ;msgbox is dn ;return ;#XButton1:: ;Send {LWin Down}{LButton down} ;MsgBox ah ;return ;XButton1 Up::Send {Lwin Up}{LButton up} ;XButton2::Send {LWin}{RButto down} ;XButton2 Up::Send {Super}{RButton up} ;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ; others ;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ¨::Send \ ;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ; joypad ;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Joy1:: Send {Left down} ; Hold down the left-arrow key. KeyWait Joy1 ; Wait for the user to release the joystick button. Send {Left up} ; Release the left-arrow key. return Joy2:: Send {Right down} ; Hold down the left-arrow key. KeyWait Joy2 ; Wait for the user to release the joystick button. Send {Right up} ; Release the left-arrow key. return ;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ;tf2 ;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ;DelaySend(Key, Interval=200, SendMethod="Send") { ; static KeyStack := [] ; KeyStack[Key] := IsObject(KeyStack[Key]) ? KeyStack[Key] : {base: {LastTickCount: 0}} ; ObjInsert( KeyStack[Key], { Key: Key, Interval: Interval, SendMethod: SendMethod }) ; Gosub, Label_DelaySend ; Return ; ; Label_DelaySend: ; For Key in KeyStack { ; if !(MinIndex := KeyStack[Key].MinIndex()) ; Continue ; Span := A_TickCount - KeyStack[Key].LastTickCount ; if (Span < KeyStack[Key][MinIndex].Interval) ;loaded too early ; SetTimer,, % -1 * (KeyStack[Key][KeyStack[Key].MinIndex()].Interval - Span) ;[v1.1.01+] ; else { ; SendMethod := KeyStack[Key][MinIndex].SendMethod ; SendingKey := KeyStack[Key][MinIndex].Key ; if (SendMethod = "SendInput") ; SendInput, % SendingKey ; Else if (SendMethod = "SendPlay") ; SendPlay, % SendingKey ; Else if (SendMethod = "SendRaw") ; SendRaw, % SendingKey ; Else if (SendMethod = "SendEvent") ; SendEvent, % SendingKey ; Else ; Send, % SendingKey; ; ObjRemove(KeyStack[Key], MinIndex) ;decrement other elements ; if KeyStack[Key].MinIndex() ;if there is a next queue ; SetTimer,, % -1 * KeyStack[Key][KeyStack[Key].MinIndex()].Interval ;[v1.1.01+] ; KeyStack[Key].base.LastTickCount := A_TickCount ; } ; } ; ;} ;tf2 wsad not functional ;$w::SendInput {7} ;w::SendPlay {7} ;a::SendPlay {y} ;s::SendPlay {u} ;d::SendPlay {i} ;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ; printing void month ; WDay - monday=2 ; YWeek ;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ;Function LDOM() ; Derives & Returns the Last Day Of Month ; Examples: ; TotalDays := LDOM() ; uses System date ; TotalDays := LDOM("20040219") ; returns 29 as 2004 is a leap year LDOM(TimeStr="") { If TimeStr= TimeStr:=A_Now StringLeft,Date,TimeStr,6 Day = 28 Date = %Date%%Day% FormatTime,cMonth,%Date%,M Loop,3 { Date+=1,days FormatTime,tMonth,%Date%,M if tMonth != %cMonth% break else Day+=1 } Return Day } ;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ;printDayTitle( ; Function to print day title ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- printDayTitle(yyyy,MM,dd){ yyyyMMdd = %yyyy%%MM%%dd% ; MsgBox {%yyyyMMdd%} FormatTime, tim, %yyyyMMdd%, '#>'dd'd_'ddd'<' FormatTime, wday, %yyyyMMdd%, WDay if wday = 2 str = <<<<<<<< ; monday else str = ######## endline = ###################################################`n tim = %tim%%str%%endline% ; MsgBox {%tim%} return tim } ;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ;printVoidMonth( ; Function to print void month ; add is a parameter for printing next months ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- printVoidMonth(add=0){ ; current date FormatTime, yyyy, , yyyy FormatTime, MM, , MM dd = 1 MM += add if MM = 13 ; for only plus one { MM = 01 yyyy+=1 } ddMax := LDOM( %yyyy%%MM%%dd% ) tim = thisMonth tim = %tim%`n%yyyy%_%MM%`n`n Loop %ddMax% { ddStr := printDayTitle(yyyy,MM,dd) tim = %tim%%ddStr%h`n[] `n ; MsgBox %ddStr%,%dd% dd++ Sleep, 10 } MsgBox %tim% return %tim% } ;%%% !^p:: str := printVoidMonth() clipboard = %str% return !+^p:: str := printVoidMonth(1) clipboard = %str% return
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